Chairman Torgeir Vikenes
Torgeir is and has been a board member, executive and founder of several companies such as UNIConsult AS, Polarmed AS, Akumed AS, Akumed Holding AS and Bygg3 AS. He was also the founder and major owner of Viken Aksjeinvest, a Norwegian investment company. Torgeir is a certified accountant and consultant to several major Norwegian companies. He has a Bachelor degree from Norwegian Business School (BI), and a Master degree in accounting and auditing from The Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).

Board member Arnfinn Berg
Arnfinn has more than 25 years experience in sales and management of which the last 15 years as consultant in his own company. He has broad experience from development processes within sales, management and organizational both in Norway and internationally (Europe, Asia and Africa). Arnfinn also has background from Fram Reklamebyrå/Clear Channel and as general manager of Hermes Reklamebyrå.

Jan-Øyvind Lorgen
Finished his Master’s Degree in Finance and Economics from the Norwegian Business School in 2004. He also finished a degree as Medical Doctor in 2011. Since then he has worked as a Medical Doctor and is for the time being a General Practitioner in Akershus. For nearly two decades he has also been a private investor, focusing on start-up companies. (He is serving as board member in Hudson Bay Resources AS and additional two companies.)

Stig Christoffer Solli
Education in Geographic Information Systems, Surveying, Data and marketing. Has worked at Televerket, Telenor AS, Bravida AS, Geomatikk AS, and has previously worked as an engineer in Bodø municipality. The working areas have been in marketing, surveying, preparation of different maps, responsibility for map bases, preparation and control of regulatory plans. I have also worked in and been responsible for various projects within Geographic Information Systems.
Has also been an investor for decades. Where I have focused on companies in mining, oil and gas. The mining industry is the industry I’ve gained the most knowledge of over time. It is also the one who interests me the most. I also have extensive experience as a board member in several companies and HSE work.
Nøkkelpersoner tilknyttet Hudson Bay Resources AS
Seniorgeologer som har arbeidet med selve prospekteringen av Asankrangua-lisensen i Ghana gjennom de siste 12 årene:

M.Sc. Boye Flood
Han har arbeidet med gullprospektering i Spania, Australia, Afrika og Norden i en mannsalder for store skandinaviske selskaper som Boliden og internasjonale gruveselskaper.
Hans selskap Geologiske Tjenester AS er regnet for å ha noe av Norges fremste ekspertise på gull og gulleksplorering på en internasjonalt nivå. Boye Flood har i flere år også tidligere sittet i styret til Hudson Bay Resources AS, men har nå trappet ned sin aktivitet pga. høy alder.

M.Sc. Neil Macfarlane
Neil Macfarlane har 30 års erfaring som geolog og har brukt en tredjedel av sin karriere på jobber i Ghana, Kenya, Zambia, Mali og Niger.
Hans «hands on» erfaring med gullprospektering og produksjon i Ghana har vært av stor verdi for oss.

M. Sc., P. Geo. Paul Chamois
Scott Wilson RPA Inc.,
Seniorgeolog Paul Chamois har over 25 års prospekterings- og ledelseserfaring fra Canada, Mexico, Sverige og Afrika. Han har hatt ledende stillinger ved ulike gruveselskap og har primært bakgrunn med basemetals og gullprosjekter.